Write a function for each of the following problems and count the number of steps
Write a function for each of the following problems and count the number of steps for execution and write the time complexity of each function, 1. To calculate the sum of 1 to N numbers using loop. 2. To calculate the sum of 1 to N numbers using equation. 3. To calculate the sum of 1 to N numbers using recursion. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int rcount=0; int uloop(int n) { int sum=0,count=0 , i; count++; count++; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { sum=sum+i; count++; } count++; printf(" \n Count is:% d ",count); return sum; } int uequation( int n) { int sum,count=0; count++; sum=(n*(n+1))/2; count ++; count ++; printf(" \n count is:% d ",count); return sum; } int urecursion(int n) { rcount++; if(n<=0) { rcount++; ...